Independent family owned funeral directors


Rainham 01634 373111



Online Obituaries

Every John Weir funeral arrangement has its own personal obituary created. We can help you prepare and issue a funeral announcement, it should include the name of your loved one, funeral service date, time and location, floral tributes or charitable donations in-lieu and Funeral Directors details.

Local press is a very popular way of communicating this information and in certain cases may also be supplemented by a national press entry, particularly The Telegraph, Times or Independent.

Some crematoria and cemeteries also offer web-casting to live-stream ceremonies to family and friends who are unable to attend.

We are on hand to assist with any of the above or any other funeral communication channels which you may wish to consider.


We are Members of Funeral GuideA Funeral Guide online obituary allows you to commemorate your loved one with a full-page picture and biography, as well as giving friends and family easy access to practical details such as the location and time of the funeral service.

The obituary includes a book of condolence for your loved one, which later forms part of the memorial book of their life.

Memorial Book

A Funeral Guide online memorial book is a dynamic resource for you to store memories about your loved one. Inside the book you can display pictures of your loved one, collate stories about them, and showcase a full biography of their life. The memorial book is fully interactive meaning that friends and family can also leave messages about your loved one, light candles and post photos. The book can be viewed 365 days a year.

Condolence Book

A Funeral Guide online book of condolence is a safe area where friends and family can leave sympathy messages about the passing of your loved one. The book is online 24/7 and available at the click of a mouse for people to pay their respects. As owner of the condolence book you will have complete control over the messages that are displayed.

The condolence book comes with a Funeral Guide obituary and forms part of the memorial book after the day of the funeral.

Online Donations

The obituary also allows family and friends to donate online and to easily Gift Aid via our partnership with Just Giving. This can be done.



130-132 High Street,
Kent ME8 8AR

01634 373111


127 Watling Street,
Kent ME7 2YY

01634 855558


25 New Road,
Kent ME4 4QJ

01634 408777


31 Parkwood Green,
Kent ME8 9PW

01634 386999

Enquire Now

Please contact us on 01634 373111 or complete the enquiry form below and we will get back to you.

We will treat your personal information with care and confidentiality in line with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) or any other legislation enforced. We shall not share your information with 3rd party organisations without your permission or without legitimate business interest.

View Our Privacy Policy

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We are members of:

National Association of Funeral Directors Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Director Golden Charter Funeral Plans Funeral Guide Grief Chat - Professional Bereavement Support
©John Weir Funeral Directors Ltd 2024

Registered in England and Wales no 8906218; registered office: 130-132 High Street, Rainham, Gillingham, Kent ME8 8AR

Directors: John and Beverly Weir